Saturday 19 March 2011

Submarine (2010)...

Having Just seen Richard Ayoade's debut film, an adaptation of Joe Dunthorne's Submarine, I felt compelled to blog about it...

I thought it was absolutely fantastic, and could not find a single flaw: the casting was faultless, the music was spot-on, and the way in which the story was depicted was heart-warmingly brilliant.

My main worry was that this film could have easily been created as a quirky, faux imitation of Wes Anderson and the like, however that could not be further from the oh-so-wonderful truth. Ayoade could have very easily went down the grittily-shot, bleakly-visualized and pleasantly executed path, but instead he has produced a visually stimulating, and surprisingly glossy British gem of a film, permeated by a cast excellently made up of both British stables (in the form of the brilliantly bleak Sally Hawkins and a Pat Sharpified Paddy Considine) and uplifting newcomers (Craig Roberts And Yasmin Page, below).

I do hope that Richard Ayoade has a long a successful career in film as this is a tremendously wonderful example of how we Brits really are great at this movie-making malarky.


Thursday 9 December 2010

Top 5...Film Dads/Fathers

For some reason, and I don't know why, I have started, rather religiously, watching Film 2010 with Claudia Winkleman and some bloke who's mouth makes far too much noise (not words, just vomit inducing noise). And they have decided to steal my idea of a weekly Top 5 from one of their team, so I have decided to thieve their most recent topic as my first: Top 5 Film Fathers...

King Mufasa - The Lion King (1994)

The father of our young hero, he may die mere minutes into the film - courtesy of hyena induced stampede of wildebeest - but any lion who gives his life for his son (typed whilst wiping a single lion shaped tear from my eye) most definitely earns a place in this list.

Jack Torrance - The Shining (1980)

Yes, yes he is probably the worst father in film history but this isn't about the 'best', perfect, most wonderful fathers, it is about fathers that make an impact whether it be good (as in Mufasa's case) or indeed as Jack's case, very, very bad. Wielding an axe towards/near a child and its mother is never a good idea nor is having a naughty moment with a eroding (although post-bathing) corpse, but whatever Jack does (work or play) we cannot take our mesmerized eyes off him.

Forrest Gump - Forrest Gump (1994)

Jenny: His name's Forrest
Forrest: Like me
Jenny: I named him after his daddy
Forrest: He got a daddy named Forrest too?
Jenny: Your his daddy Forrest

(**Wimpering**) Need I say anymore?

Tom Selleck, Ted Danson And Steve Guttenberg - Three Men And A Baby (1987)

Again, yes, I do know that Ted Danson is the biological father, but all three do well in the zany circumstances particularly when it turns out the baby in question has a penchant for classic girl group renditions accapella style: queue a cot-side version of The Spaniel's 'Goodnight Sweetheart, Goodnight'.

Macaulay Culkin's Dad - Home Alone 1 And 2 (1990 And '92)

And finally, Kevin Mccallister gets the nod purely for being the best at being the most useless father of all time. Accidentally leave your child at home once to crazy consequences...fine. Accidentally lose your child in an airport, eventually leading to said child's traveling to the Big Apple and coincidentally bumping into the same bandits (now 'sticky' as opposed to 'wet') who tried to kill him in the last movie whilst befriending a rather over-friendly toy store owner and a bird obsessed tramp...not on.

Thursday 2 September 2010


Just a quick hello from me to you, to set straight what this blog is all about.

I tend to be a list-maker about anything and everything, and ever since seeing High Fidelity for the first time the whole concept of the "Top 5" has attached itself to my brain like an infectious disease. And having constantly bored my girlfriend with my list making [from TV and Film to smells and food-stuff-lists] I have decided to vent my feeling/desires/opinions via this very blog.

Hope I dont offend anyone, but do i hope evoke great debate.

Thank you.